This secret has not only saved me time from slaving away unnecessary hours in the laundry room, but also has made the absolute most efficient use of compartmentalizing resources.
I sort by what category item "we're out of".
For example:
"MOM! There's no clean underwear!" = One exclusive load of children's underwear. They're not intermixed with other items, they're put away by themselves, and they're washed when needed.
I hope you can grasp this concept wordically, because visually, it's just near impossible to "pin" a photo of 23 pairs of dirty Spiderman/Sponge Bob/Monster truck underwear on my Pinterest board without getting a call from CPS or an email from pretending to be a 14 year old boy inviting me to come over to hot tub but insisting that I bring condoms and Mike's Hard Lemonade.
"What?? I was just coming over to make crafts with a middle-aged stay-at-home mom....see?" Again: WHO is making $$ off this $#it? Oh, yeah: ( |
Obviously my laundry-mom skills are blowing your mind, so read the next part cautiously.
I am getting pretty sick and GD tired of hearing about these artsy-fartsy I-can-do-anything-I-set-my-mind-to do gooders making their own laundry soap. So yeah, I did it. I don't want to get into the particulars because that's not the basis for my blog and to be honest all you have to do is Google homemade laundry soap to find a bazillion recipes so knock yourself out. What I did realize was:
- The recipe I followed called for lavender oil and castile soap. I found castile soap with lavender oil in it. I considered this lucky until I remembered something in my nostrils HATES lavender.
- I honestly, before this endeavor do not remember the last time I used my food processor (which was recommended to grate the soap), but every time I drag it out I'm convinced it's an essential appliance.
- I
spentwasted far too much time looking for a decorative container to put this concoction in. Like my laundry room looks like Martha Stewart's. It does not.
I ended up using an old laundry detergent bucket that had lost its lid that we have since used for miscellaneous garage projects and a garbage bag as a liner. We now have my Mom's liquid laundry soap (lavender scent), our Gain liquid (normal people laundry soap) that Hubs is still using in his laundry and my self-made bucket of powder (lavender scent) lined up like misfits on our shelf, each screaming "pick me!" when we stuff our front-loader with our messy frocks. Of course, I pick the one I made, if for no other reason than to blast through it and get back to good old fashioned, commercialized, mass-produced laundry soap off the shelf.
I threw the box to the food processor away and put the accessories in a gallon zippy bag. No sense in taking up extra cupboard space for the box when the appliance itself is so small. Baby steps.
I now hate the smell of my laundry room. They say lavender is supposed to be calming, relaxing....
It's really just making me tired.
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