Her Church forced her to apologize to the moms who, though not specifically named in her blog, were "libeled and slandered against", and that the Church felt she was walking a thin line with her blog and may possibly be promoting gayness and they thought she ought to take it down or at least publish a clarification on her (the Church's) position. After all, she had made the statement in her original post that if her son DOES grow up to be gay she will love him all the same.
The reason this strikes so strong a chord with me at this particular time is that my "home" church is embroiled in a congregation-dividing issue of its own. A Lutheran church, it's part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (the other "governing" mothership is the Missouri Synod). The ELCA made the earth shattering move to allow "practicing gays" - those who are open and honest about their orientation and who are most often in long term monogamous relationships - lead congregations. Some of the members of our local church LOST THEIR MINDS when they found out about this, including my mother, who loves to tell me all about how upset she is about it over breakfast almost every morning. It was SUCH an issue for these people, in fact, that they decided to have a VOTE on whether to even be PART of the ELCA anymore, which only interested me insofar as to wonder who was going to re-carve the sign out in front of the church. Let's be honest. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMERICA is a long word, and whoever carved it the first time is going to be pissed off if he's not already dead which is actually more likely given the average age of the congregation there.
It just really sickens me that someone who is otherwise so kind, can hold a hatred for someone or something they don't even know. And yet I held my tongue, not standing up for CopWife's Daphne kid to people like my mom....until after Christmas. I will not get into detail because any at all would reveal the person I am talking about and it's not my wish to cause anyone embarrassment because I really do consider this person such a great great friend even though I haven't seen them for years....
Mom: Is so-and-so married? I saw them today with their parents.I have been given the blessed and highest responsibility of turning two innocents into adults out into this world. So far they have both (Esten by default in his more numerous experiences) surprised me in their insight and wisdom for their short little years. They are tolerant, color blind, loving, ask questions of the ridiculous things adults do to one another. I hope I can keep them on this track as long as possible without confusing them with the ideals of this tainted "Christianity" that I frankly am not approving of.
Me: No, they're gay.
Mom: Deer in headlights look.
Jason: Deer in headlights look that I just said the word gay in front of my mom.
Mom: But they didn't seem like there was anything wrong with them when you guys were growing up.
Me: There's nothing wrong with them now. They are highly educated and have a very lucrative job in a large city in another part of the country.
Mom: Were they like that when they were younger?
Me: They have always been like that.
Mom: In a total stupor realizing that she has actually known an actual gay person for some 30 years that she thought was a good person and not a slimy shady deviant Devil worshipper.
Jason: Thinking he is in a dream because that conversation could NOT just have happened.
CopWife's church is threatening to kick her out, refuse her communion and revoke her membership. I haven't heard how that vote came out at "our" church. Depending on what it is, I don't know that it will be "our" church anymore. It's a great place, but in the end it is just a building, and at coffee hour the old ladies are really nice...so long as they think you're straight. I just want to be 100% sure that they'd be just as nice to Esten and Clayton if they grew up and flew out of the closet in giant hot pink feather boas waving their jazz hands.
Or to me, for that matter, if I invited Ellen DeGeneres to Lewiston for a slumber party and to do a guest sermon on Sunday. At least it wouldn't be the snooze-fest we have now....and I'm pretty sure Ellen's never molested an altar boy or a boyscout. Ever.
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